We are providers of Fast ForWord and Clear Fluency. Fast ForWord, the world’s most resarched reading program, channels neuro-science to provide effective and lasting results for all learners. Fast ForWord is an evidence-based, adaptive reading and language program that delivers 1-2 years gain in 40-60 hours of use for any struggling learner. We recommend Fast ForWord because its unique brain-based approach targets the root causes of reading difficulty to deliver lasting results that make better readers and lifelong learners. We confidentally recommend Fast ForWord based on our own experience with students who have used it and on the study referenced in the following articles. Different learner types and intervention levels have different needs. Fast ForWord offers a personalized and differentiated pathway for each learner to maximize achievement potential. 

Clear Fluency is an innovative online guided reading tool that provides extensive reading practice. Learners use the program to read developmentally appropriate texts both silently and aloud.  It can be used by children and adults including English language learners and struggling readers.

Fast ForWord For Autsim

FFW For College students

Dyslexia Research 2019

Self-monitored Fast ForWord On-Line with oversight and feedback

Fast ForWord On-Line with coaching and feedback

Clear Fluency